четверг, 12 января 2012 г.

LG signs Android Chrome OS patent deal with Microsoft | ZDNet

LG Electronics is the latest Android vendor to license Microsoft patents in order to head off potential legal issues.

Mary Jo Foley | January 12, 2012, 6:15am PST

LG Electronics is the latest Android vendor to license Microsoft patents in order to head off potential legal issues.

It’s been a couple of months since Microsoft has touted any new Android/Chrome OS vendors agreeing to license its patents. But that drought ended on January 12 with an announcement from the Softies regarding LG Electronics. Microsoft and LG have signed a patent agreement covering LG’s tablets, mobile phones and other devices running Android or Chrome OS, according to a Microsoft press release. Terms of the deal between the two are not being disclosed. Horacio Gutierrez, Corporate Vice President and Deputy General Counsel of Microsoft’s Intellectual ...