понедельник, 9 апреля 2012 г.

Techmeme Google's Chrome OS Will Soon Look More Like Windows Than

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Techmeme Google's Chrome OS Will Soon Look More Like Windows Than ...

— It's hard to say how popular Chrome OS, Google's browser-centric operating system, really is. There can be little doubt, though, that Google is quite serious about this initiative. Today, Google launched …

Google Operating System

Google Operating System A New Window Manager for Chrome OS

Carriers Band to Fight Cellphone Theft — The nation's major wireless providers have agreed to a deal with the U.S. government to build a central database of stolen cellphones—part of a broad effort to tame an explosion of thefts nationwide. —...

NewsFiber - Sony собирается выпустить ноутбук с Chrome OS
Релиз Chrome OS 18
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NewsFiber - Нетбуки Chrome OS получат процессоры Intel Core