среда, 11 июля 2012 г.

Google Chrome OS — ХромОС.рф - Google+ - In order to get a ...

In order to get a wallpaper on your Chromium OS login screen, you just need to activate a flag named "Enable OOBE/sign in redesign" in chrome://flags …

Оказывается, в системе Chrome OS можно установить обои, используемые на рабочем столе, на экран авторизации. Сделать это проще простого (пока только в Dev версии Chrome OS): wallpaper on your Chromium OS login screen , you just need to activate a flag named "Enable OOBE/sign in redesign" in Screenshots below show that it's not perfect yet depending on the colour of your wallpaper but still, it's worth giving it a try (only in dev channel for now). Luckily for us, Chrome Team just added white versions of icons ;) More photos from François Beaufort You can see more of what Google Chrome OS — ХромОС.рф shares on