Adjust text size: The new default wallpaper in Chrome OS Chrome OS dev channel users are getting some love as well, albeit later than their desktop brethren, as always. Chrome 22.0.1229.8 dev has landed, as part of Chrome OS 2723.18.0. As always, there's a long list of security fixes and improvements, stability fixes and even some UI touch-ups. But that's the boring stuff, the really exciting part is that Chrome OS now comes with a brand new default , courtesy of photographer Clemens Günthermann. It's a spectacular wallpaper, but we're used to that by now, all the wallpapers in Chrome OS are pretty great As if the wallpaper wasn't enough, there's also new graphics for the guest user avatar. Oh, and then a brand new Pepper Flash, a bug which listed WiFi networks as VPNs has been fixed ...