пятница, 23 ноября 2012 г.

Acer C7 Chromebooks Expand Chrome OS Market Slashdot

Nerval's Lobster writes "Google is following up last month's Samsung Chromebooks with a new, lower-priced one developed by Acer.

Acer C7 Chromebooks Expand Chrome OS Market Slashdot

Posted by on Tuesday November 13, @10:08AM from the ssd-would-have-been-nice-though dept.

"Google is following up last month's Samsung Chromebooks with a new, lower-priced one developed by Acer . Retailing for $199, the 11.6-inch Acer C7 Chromebook features an Intel Celeron 847 processor, 2GB of DDR3 memory, a 320GB hard drive, three USB 2.0 ports and an HDMI port for various cords and auxiliary devices. It's designed for portability, weighing 3.05 pounds and measuring an inch thick. Boot time is reportedly less than 18 seconds. If the new Chromebook has a weakness, it's the advertised 3.5 hours of battery life. That's less than the MacBook Air (which features anywhere from 5-7 hours' battery life, depending on specs) and many of the Windows-backed Ultrabooks, some of whi...