Results 1 to 7 of 7 Can't you make your own Chrome OS with Ubuntu, like not fully with all the logos and stuff like that, but very similar? Using Slingshot for the menu, and Ubuntu ... Enjoy an ad free experience by logging in. Not a member yet? If Chrome OS is Linux, can't someone create their own? Can't you make your own Chrome OS with Ubuntu, like not fully with all the logos and stuff like that, but very similar? Using Slingshot for the menu, and Ubuntu logo for that, and Firefox/Chromium for internet? I mean I guess I could do that myself, but someone should do that. , it is well along this path. The source is there for you to get started crackin'! I played with this way back when. Linux Registered User # 475019 Lead,Follow, or get the heck out of the way AntiX,Pupp...